Opening hours
Glycerin Soap
Soy Candles
Creams and lotions
Painted Furniture

Glycerin Soap

 Glycerin soap is a mild gentle soap that takes the moisture out of the air and moisturizes your skin.   There is no animal fats in the glycerin soap, so you can even wash your hair with it.  Glycerin soap suds very well and rinses out squeaky clean.  To use it is to love it.  Can be ordered in many scents.

Amazing Grace                 Almond                           Almond Cherryfriends

Bay Rum                          Bermuda Triangle             Best Friends

Blackbearry Sage              Chanek # 5                      Coconut

Cool Cilantro                     Cottom Blossom               Country Garden                

Curve                               Drakkar                             Dr Feelgood                    

Green Clover & Aloe          Cucumber Melon                Fairy Godmother             

Fresh Air                          Gardenia                           Gentle Curve

Georgia Peach                  Ginger Lime                       Honeysuckle

Hyacinth                           Jade                                 Jasmine

Lavender                           Lemongrass                      Hercules

Lilac                                 Magnolia                           Monkey Farts

Ocean Mist                       Olde Frinds                        Orange Blossom

Orange Clove                     Ruby Red Grapefruit           Sage & Citrus

Sage Leaf                          Spiritual Awakening            Strawberry & Champagne

unscented                          Vanilla                               Victorian Rose

Wild sweet William

                                           Loofa Soap

                                           Oatmeal Shea Butter Sooap

                                           Shea Soap

                                           Goat Milk Soap