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Soy Whip Body Butter

4 oz    $7.95                      8 oz   $14.95

Softens and moisturises without leaving a greasy feeling. To try it is to love it.

One try and you'll be addicted! Our soy body butter is a white cream the consistency of cake frosting....thick, rich and luxurious!  The cream rubs in nicely, without a hint of grease and immediately goes to work repairing cracked, itchy skin just where you need it.  It's wonderful for repairing cuticles, rough elbows and sore feet.  Your body will thank you!  No color dyes are used in our cream.

The body butter comes on 7 fragrances

Lavender                       Ocean Mist                               Coconut

Apple                            Gardenia                                   Bird of Paradise


Shea Butter Cream
